Legal Notice

Oentoeng Suria & Partners (Ashurst OSP) is a partnership constituted under Indonesian Laws.

Ashurst OSP has an association with Ashurst Australia, which is part of the Ashurst Group (Ashurst). Ashurst comprises Ashurst LLP, (OC330252) London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London E1 6PW; Ashurst Australia, (ABN 75 304 286 095) a general partnership constituted under the laws of Australian Capital Territory at 5 Martin Place, Sydney, New South Wales 2000 and their respective representatives and affiliates.

Confidentiality and privilege

Ashurst OSP will preserve clients' confidentiality and legal professional privilege. We may disclose your information to Ashurst including but not limited to the provision of advice and other work done for you. We may also disclose information on a confidential basis to third party services providers. For further information about how we use personal data please see our Privacy Policy.


Ashurst OSP maintains professional indemnity insurance cover effected with various insurers.